Letitia L. A. Najieb
Letitia L. A. Najieb


      A Native Californian, Letitia L. A. Najieb attended and graduated school and college in Los Angeles and at a young age married having three children over a thirty year period with her husband, William of 48 years creating a wonderful home.


     Her professional career as a Foreign Trades Relations Consultant took her on a world wide trip that excited her mind and encouraged her writing and poetry.  A free style artist, her renditions of life are depictions of her travels, also the world is flat is her impression thereby combining all cultures into a symmetry of American life.  A member of Who’s Who; The International biography of Intellectuals;  Settling down she became a public servant and addicted to joining civic and business clubs and organizations as a C.P.A. attaining positions of President and Treasurer and other varied positions.  

     Her first knowledge that she loved to write books was when she was in kindergarten and her teacher had her class to make self authored books; she drew a duck on the front cover of a homemade book and made up a story with poetry and a story line about a precocious little duck who loved to splash water on passersby at the park.  Her mother, Helen, preserved all her art work and papers in a baby book which at various family gatherings was opened and she and her six sisters reviewed their young lives.  Her interest in novels, as a consummate reader, drew her closer to historical novels and finally she attempted her hand at serious writing.  Ms. Anna and husband Alvin and Ms. Halimah and husband Johnnie her grandmother & grandfather and mother & father were avid readers and they encouraged her immensely.  Growing up with a library to choose from was a pleasant retreat for any child.  She purchased a set of Encyclopedia Britannica early in her marriage and continued to add classics never giving up on the desire to read and write going from short stories peppered with poetry to longer stories of long ago people and times.  Now she makes her debut into the world of writing full time combining those stories of long ago and present day works.  She  also uses her art works as illustration for book covers and as inserts into her novels.  After the untimely death of her eldest and only son, she became introspective and after the reality of his lost began to write more deeply moving novels that came to her during her mourning period which lasted a few years and some.  Her two daughters Sa’aRah Asia and Halimah Anastasia  have taken the space of her son without taking away his essence along with their own positions.  Therefore, Mrs. Najieb feels ready now to venture into the world that she loves deeply of writing full time. Look forward to some interesting pieces, truly. 





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